Once upon a time, nestled in the enchanting realm of Tipperary, there resided a playful leprechaun known as Twotone Murphy. His hands, dainty and nimble, supported a head resembling a formidable mallet. Together with his companion, Gibboireland, they hatched a whimsical plan—to launch not just any airline, but a fantastical, virtual haven where their luminescent firefly friends could soar in unison.
One day, Gibboireland turned to TTM and exclaimed, "Murph, let's embark on a grand journey ferrying aircraft across the globe. We shall enlist the aid of our faithful fireflies."
"An excellent notion, young Gibbo! We shall commence our aerial odyssey in Dublin, heading eastward, creating a wondrous spectacle," replied Twotone Murphy with a mischievous glint in his eye.
And so, with their hearts full of adventurous spirit, Twotone Murphy and Gibboireland set out on their extraordinary journey. The whimsical airline they crafted, now named "Firefly Air," was destined for greatness.
The duo planned an extravagant route with 129 stops, each more enchanting than the last. From the verdant landscapes of Ireland to the bustling markets of Zurich, the azure waters of JApan, and the mystic charm of Katmandu, Firefly Air aimed to traverse the globe, stitching together a tapestry of diverse destinations.
To add to the spectacle, they decided on ten different aircraft deliveries, each more magical than the other. The sleek TBM, the majestic DC-3, the playful Cessna 172, and the daring Kingair were just a few of the fantastical fleet that would grace the skies under the banner of Firefly Air.
As Twotone Murphy and Gibboireland prepared for their inaugural flight from Dublin, a buzz of excitement filled the air. The loyal fireflies, now adorned with tiny aviator goggles, eagerly gathered, ready to illuminate the night sky on this airborne escapade.
"Firefly Air is not just an airline; it's a symphony of dreams soaring through the heavens," declared Twotone Murphy, his mischievous grin widening as the engines roared to life. With the first delivery bound for the rising sun in the east, the magical journey of Firefly Air took flight, promising wonder, adventure, and a touch of enchantment at every stop along the way.
In order to obtain this multi-achievement you must complete each of the following achievements.
You will be awarded XP 1000 for completing this achievement.
Date | Departure | Arrival | Pilot | Aircraft | Landing rate | Distance | Flight time | ||
29NOV24 0107Z | EIDL | EIDW | Quasar Core | Beechcraft Super King Air 350 (B350) | -60 ft/m | 124 nm | 00:35 | View |
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