Flight #1000186

Flight summary

From / To: LEBL El Prat LOWW Schwechat
Airline: DFL Dutch Fly VA
Pilot: Eline Ockhuysen
Aircraft: Boeing 747-400 (B744)
Landing rate: -262 ft/min
Flight time: 01:53
Distance: 843 nm
Fuel burnt: 19,678 KGS
ZFW: 246.1 t
Max. Altitude: 39,108 ft
Max. Speed: 510 kts
Average Speed: 411 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: Landing during thunderstorm with gust winds up to 35 knots. Clouds at 900 feet. VATSIM event, full ATC. Landing rwy 34, ABTAN1W arrival, BALAD3N transition. Manual landing.
Take-off Landing
Airport LEBL El Prat LOWW Schwechat
Country ES Spain AT Austria
Time 13JUL19 1325Z 13JUL19 1518Z
Local 13JUL19 1525 13JUL19 1718
Fuel 41,772 KGS 22,094 KGS
GW 287.9 t 268.2 t
Heading 245° 342°
Speed TAS 177 kts 141 kts
Pitch 10°
Winds 225° @ 12 kts 290° @ 14 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Prepar3D
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