Flight #1060884

Flight summary

From / To: 4WA0 B and G Farms WA68 Vantage
Pilot: Daniel Skidmore
Aircraft: Carenado CT206H_Stationa
Landing rate: 165 ft/min
Flight time: 00:05
Distance: 10 nm
Fuel burnt: 4 KGS
ZFW: 1,362 KGS
Max. Altitude: 2,431 ft
Max. Speed: 150 kts
Average Speed: 96 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport 4WA0 B and G Farms WA68 Vantage
Country US United States US United States
Time 06SEP19 2315Z 06SEP19 2325Z
Local 06SEP19 1615 06SEP19 1625
Fuel 32 KGS 28 KGS
GW 1,394 KGS 1,390 KGS
Heading 267° 347°
Speed TAS 72 kts 49 kts
Pitch 15°
Bank 25°
Winds 002° @ 0 kts 002° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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