Flight #1067544

Flight summary

From / To: MYAK Congo Town MYBS South Bimini
Pilot: Bob Cardone
Aircraft: Piper PA-24 Comanche (PA24)
Landing rate: -123 ft/min
Flight time: 01:11
Distance: 166 nm
Fuel burnt: 58 KGS
ZFW: 1,063 KGS
Max. Altitude: 6,279 ft
Max. Speed: 157 kts
Average Speed: 139 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport MYAK Congo Town MYBS South Bimini
Country BS Bahamas, The BS Bahamas, The
Time 13SEP19 1205Z 13SEP19 1320Z
Local 13SEP19 0805 13SEP19 0920
Fuel 104 KGS 46 KGS
GW 1,167 KGS 1,109 KGS
Heading 094° 077°
Speed TAS 87 kts 60 kts
Winds 021° @ 9 kts 056° @ 18 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Prepar3D
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