Flight #1388078

Flight summary

From / To: KDEN Denver Intl KSLC Salt Lake City Intl
Airline: VYA Voyager Airlines
Pilot: Scotty
Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 (B738)
Landing rate: -631 ft/min
Flight time: 00:57
Distance: 362 nm
Fuel burnt: 2,892 KGS
ZFW: 43.0 t
Max. Altitude: 25,016 ft
Max. Speed: 448 kts
Average Speed: 372 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: Second Yoke landing. The reason the LR is so bad
Take-off Landing
Airport KDEN Denver Intl KSLC Salt Lake City Intl
Country US United States US United States
Time 14MAY20 1537Z 14MAY20 1634Z
Local 14MAY20 0937 14MAY20 1034
Fuel 20,665 KGS 17,773 KGS
GW 63.7 t 60.8 t
Heading 270° 355°
Speed TAS 182 kts 138 kts
Winds 009° @ 0 kts 005° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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