Flight #1643677

Flight summary

From / To: KBUR Bob Hope MMPN Lic And Gen Ignacio Lopez Rayo
Airline: FLY Fly Air
Pilot: Rodrigo Aponte
Aircraft: Airbus A320 neo (A20N)
Landing rate: -69 ft/min
Flight time: 02:55
Distance: 1,277 nm
Fuel burnt: 7,157 KGS
ZFW: 50.2 t
Max. Altitude: 37,180 ft
Max. Speed: 466 kts
Average Speed: 423 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport KBUR Bob Hope MMPN Lic And Gen Ignacio Lopez Rayo
Country US United States MX Mexico
Time 11JUN21 1651Z 11JUN21 1947Z
Local 11JUN21 0951 11JUN21 1447
Fuel 9,408 KGS 2,251 KGS
GW 59.6 t 52.5 t
Heading 166° 033°
Speed TAS 138 kts 138 kts
Pitch 11°
Winds 122° @ 3 kts 180° @ 8 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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