Flight #1772104

Flight summary

Callsign: PHILI 02
From / To: RPMD Bangoy Intl RPMW Tandag
Airline: Coastal International
Pilot: Dave027
Aircraft: Beechcraft Super King Air 350 (B350)
Planned Cruise: FL030
Landing rate: -68 ft/min 0.93 g
Flight time: 00:35
Distance: 125 nm
Fuel burnt: 217 KGS
ZFW: 5.0 t
Payload: 464 KGS
Max. Altitude: 3,005 ft
Max. Speed: 242 kts
Average Speed: 209 kts
Planned Route: RPMD DCT RPMW. Tried B350 with multi panel worked good different than C172. Also need to adjust Rudder since reinstall of MSFS2020
Tags: Philippines Tour Leg 02
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport RPMD Bangoy Intl RPMW Tandag
Country PH Philippines PH Philippines
Time 21JAN22 1354Z 21JAN22 1430Z
Local 21JAN22 2154 21JAN22 2230
Fuel 802 KGS 585 KGS
GW 5.8 t 5.6 t
Heading 225° 040°
Speed TAS 117 kts 83 kts
Bank 11°
Winds 270° @ 1 kts 269° @ 1 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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