Flight #1776874

Flight summary

From / To: Unknown RPMD Bangoy Intl
Airline: Nexus Air
Pilot: Nexus 04
Aircraft: Airbus A320 neo (A20N)
Landing rate: -155 ft/min 0.99 g
Flight time: 00:15
Distance: 64 nm
Fuel burnt: 12,826 KGS
ZFW: 42.5 t
Payload: 4 KGS
Max. Altitude: 9,857 ft
Max. Speed: 385 kts
Average Speed: 255 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: Departure Airport was PGUM, 1500nm trip in all. Had an out of fuel issue in the flight which I think happened because I paused the flight for over an hour which I think used fuel. Not sure but sounds good. anyway I reset the backup flight from FSUIPC and landed at the destination OK.
Take-off Landing
Airport Unknown RPMD Bangoy Intl
Country Unknown PH Philippines
Time 28JAN22 0947Z 28JAN22 1003Z
Local 28JAN22 0947 28JAN22 1803
Fuel 19,039 KGS 6,213 KGS
GW 61.5 t 48.7 t
Heading 194° 049°
Speed TAS 321 kts 137 kts
Winds 092° @ 12 kts 012° @ 5 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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