Flight #1868592

Flight summary

Callsign: N479CX
From / To: LIMF Caselle LIRF Fiumicino
Pilot: Clorix
Aircraft: Airbus A320 (A320)
Planned Cruise: FL290
Landing rate: -410 ft/min 1.17 g
Flight time: 00:51
Distance: 306 nm
Fuel burnt: 2,102 KGS
ZFW: 60.2 t
Payload: 17.5 t
Max. Altitude: 29,409 ft
Max. Speed: 438 kts
Average Speed: 341 kts
Tags: Microsoft Flight Simulator MFS MSFS FS2020 MFS2020 MSFS2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 2020 airbus a320 a320 airbus fenix LIMF Caselle Torino LIRF Fiumicino Rome ILS approach cat i approach cat i cat i ils cat i ils approach cat 1 category 1 category i rough landing rough landing bad landing hard joinfs multiplayer FsHub multiplayer
Remarks: I flew this flight to attempt the "Infiorata Festival" achievement, but it was not meant to be. I landed too hard, failing the achievement. Ah well, better luck next time! Otherwise it was a great flight. Only oddity I had was that at TOD, my PFD annunciated "DECELERATE" and wouldn't descend. I'm not familiar enough with the Airbus yet to know why it did that, or if I did something wrong. Instead, I just pushed the Altitude Selector knob to make it descend. That worked fine. There is SO much to learn about this thing!
Take-off Landing
Airport LIMF Caselle LIRF Fiumicino
Country IT Italy IT Italy
Time 22MAY22 0555Z 22MAY22 0646Z
Local 22MAY22 0755 22MAY22 0846
Fuel 5,316 KGS 3,214 KGS
GW 65.6 t 63.5 t
Heading 000° 162°
Speed TAS 168 kts 135 kts
Winds 020° @ 2 kts 110° @ 3 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Flags: Live Screenshots

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