Flight #1900809

Flight summary

From / To: EIME Casement AB EGGD Bristol
Airline: FireFly Air
Pilot: 6 Knots (Ciaran)
Aircraft: Lockheed L-10 Electra (L10)
Landing rate: -95 ft/min 1.03 g
Flight time: 01:11
Distance: 194 nm
Fuel burnt: 229 KGS
ZFW: 3.8 t
Payload: 921 KGS
Max. Altitude: 4,272 ft
Max. Speed: 180 kts
Average Speed: 160 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport EIME Casement AB EGGD Bristol
Country IE Ireland GB United Kingdom
Time 20JUN22 1854Z 20JUN22 2005Z
Local 20JUN22 1954 20JUN22 2105
Fuel 392 KGS 163 KGS
GW 4.2 t 4.0 t
Heading 222° 084°
Speed TAS 88 kts 58 kts
Pitch 11°
Winds 290° @ 6 kts 070° @ 4 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Flags: Airline Achievement
Awarded: The Birth of an Airline
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