Flight #1933942

Flight summary

From / To: MYIG Inagua MBPV Providenciales Intl
Airline: Fliggity Air
Pilot: Jahdoh
Aircraft: Cessna Caravan (C208)
Landing rate: -206 ft/min 0.89 g
Flight time: 00:36
Distance: 92 nm
Fuel burnt: 160 KGS
ZFW: 2,490 KGS
Payload: 154 KGS
Max. Altitude: 3,616 ft
Max. Speed: 191 kts
Average Speed: 172 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport MYIG Inagua MBPV Providenciales Intl
Country BS Bahamas, The TC Turks And Caicos Islands
Time 20JUL22 0323Z 20JUL22 0400Z
Local 19JUL22 2323 20JUL22 0000
Fuel 845 KGS 685 KGS
GW 3,335 KGS 3,175 KGS
Heading 106° 091°
Speed TAS 91 kts 49 kts
Winds 084° @ 17 kts 091° @ 20 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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