Flight #1996497

Flight summary

From / To: MBNC North Caicos MYCI Colonel Hill
Airline: euroSKIES
Pilot: Vincent Döhnert
Aircraft: Pilatus PC-12 (PC12)
Landing rate: -116 ft/min 0.89 g
Flight time: 00:32
Distance: 138 nm
Fuel burnt: 147 KGS
ZFW: 2,700 KGS
Payload: 160 KGS
Max. Altitude: 17,197 ft
Max. Speed: 308 kts
Average Speed: 255 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport MBNC North Caicos MYCI Colonel Hill
Country TC Turks And Caicos Islands BS Bahamas, The
Time 10SEP22 2150Z 10SEP22 2223Z
Local 10SEP22 1750 10SEP22 1823
Fuel 1,225 KGS 1,078 KGS
GW 3,925 KGS 3,778 KGS
Heading 082° 084°
Speed TAS 97 kts 84 kts
Winds 091° @ 13 kts 087° @ 10 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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