Flight #2139934

Flight summary

From / To: KICT Wichita Mid-Continent PAJN Juneau Intl
Pilot: darkshine231
Aircraft: Boeing 737-700 (B737)
Landing rate: -192 ft/min 1.04 g
Flight time: 05:23
Distance: 2,018 nm
Fuel burnt: Unknown
ZFW: 43.7 t
Payload: 678 KGS
Max. Altitude: 39,260 ft
Max. Speed: 469 kts
Average Speed: 418 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: Landing to the minimum, I only saw the approach lights above MOLRE at 1880, I had to to a short final with high rate of descent, reason of long landing. Already the third time i'm going to PAJN and I never had good weather conditions :-D really challenging airport.
Take-off Landing
Airport KICT Wichita Mid-Continent PAJN Juneau Intl
Country US United States US United States
Time 26DEC22 1422Z 26DEC22 1947Z
Local 26DEC22 0822 26DEC22 1047
Fuel 0 KGS 0 KGS
GW 43.7 t 43.7 t
Heading 015° 105°
Speed TAS 154 kts 132 kts
Winds 010° @ 15 kts 168° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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