Flight #2176314

Flight summary

From / To: PJON Johnston Atoll PMDY Henderson Field
Airline: PCP Porcupine Air
Pilot: FatRatCsb
Aircraft: Grumman F-14 Tomcat (F14)
Landing rate: -307 ft/min 0.98 g
Flight time: 01:06
Distance: 848 nm
Fuel burnt: Unknown
ZFW: 21.0 t
Payload: 1,291 KGS
Max. Altitude: 44,336 ft
Max. Speed: 1,200 kts
Average Speed: 751 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: Something's wrong with this model... almost stalls at 180 kts in full landing configuration when it's supposed to land at 140 kts with the final weight; yet it accelerates to M1.4 without afterburner with a 6/8 external load of missiles. Fuel burn at M2.0 with AB also seems ridiculously low compared to the F-22.
Take-off Landing
Airport PJON Johnston Atoll PMDY Henderson Field
Country UM Johnston Atoll UM Midway Islands
Time 18JAN23 2032Z 18JAN23 2138Z
Local 18JAN23 0932 18JAN23 1038
Fuel 0 KGS 0 KGS
GW 21.0 t 21.0 t
Heading 058° 250°
Speed TAS 196 kts 183 kts
Winds 098° @ 10 kts 270° @ 11 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Flags: Screenshots

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