Flight #2208834

Flight summary

From / To: LTFJ Sabiha Gokcen LTFJ Sabiha Gokcen
Pilot: Revlan Hawk
Aircraft: Lancair Legacy 2000 (LEG2)
Landing rate: -200 ft/min 1.41 g
Flight time: 00:09
Distance: 19 nm
Fuel burnt: Unknown
ZFW: 761 KGS
Payload: 13 KGS
Max. Altitude: 3,540 ft
Max. Speed: 167 kts
Average Speed: 127 kts
Tags: vfr test flight
Remarks: Test flight for ILS equipment on the RealAir Lancair Legacy 2. Not a good result for the ILS equipment in my opinion, the plane first stayed high than stayed low on the ILS, may be I should approach the ILS a little bit further, later I will test.
Take-off Landing
Airport LTFJ Sabiha Gokcen LTFJ Sabiha Gokcen
Country TR Turkey TR Turkey
Time 07FEB23 1645Z 07FEB23 1655Z
Local 07FEB23 1945 07FEB23 1955
Fuel 142 KGS 142 KGS
GW 903 KGS 903 KGS
Heading 060° 244°
Speed TAS 105 kts 81 kts
Winds 000° @ 0 kts 000° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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