Flight #2235720

Flight summary

From / To: MYNN Nassau Intl KBHM Birmingham Intl
Airline: PiemeLair
Pilot: Dylan14
Aircraft: Airbus A320 (A320)
Landing rate: -225 ft/min 1.22 g
Flight time: 02:18
Distance: 831 nm
Fuel burnt: 2,915 KGS
ZFW: 45.9 t
Payload: 4.9 t
Max. Altitude: 37,454 ft
Max. Speed: 475 kts
Average Speed: 353 kts
Tags: TPC
Remarks: Fly-in Thursday in collaboration with ZTL's "Birmingham of the South" event.
Take-off Landing
Airport MYNN Nassau Intl KBHM Birmingham Intl
Country BS Bahamas, The US United States
Time 24FEB23 0058Z 24FEB23 0318Z
Local 23FEB23 1958 23FEB23 2118
Fuel 5,151 KGS 2,236 KGS
GW 51.1 t 48.2 t
Heading 143° 236°
Speed TAS 152 kts 105 kts
Winds 100° @ 6 kts 219° @ 5 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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