Flight #2426468

Flight summary

From / To: EGYD Cranwell AB EGSC Cambridge
Airline: FireFly Air
Pilot: MDA009
Aircraft: Transall C-160 (C160)
Landing rate: -198 ft/min 1.11 g
Flight time: 00:17
Distance: 71 nm
Fuel burnt: 685 KGS
ZFW: 33.1 t
Payload: 3.1 t
Max. Altitude: 5,910 ft
Max. Speed: 296 kts
Average Speed: 254 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport EGYD Cranwell AB EGSC Cambridge
Country GB United Kingdom GB United Kingdom
Time 18JUN23 1013Z 18JUN23 1031Z
Local 18JUN23 1113 18JUN23 1131
Fuel 14,016 KGS 13,331 KGS
GW 47.1 t 46.4 t
Heading 011° 052°
Speed TAS 126 kts 121 kts
Winds 080° @ 10 kts 120° @ 10 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Earned: XP 54
Awarded: Farewell to the RAF C-130 Hercules EGYD to EGSC
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