Flight #2451837

Flight summary

From / To: KMCO Orlando Intl KPHL Philadelphia Intl
Airline: Aerojet VA
Pilot: Alejandro Mavrakis
Aircraft: A20N Spirit N973NK
Landing rate: -276 ft/min 0.00 g
Flight time: 02:06
Distance: 853 nm
Fuel burnt: 3,910 KGS
ZFW: 58.4 t
Max. Altitude: 39,364 ft
Max. Speed: 442 kts
Average Speed: 375 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport KMCO Orlando Intl KPHL Philadelphia Intl
Country US United States US United States
Time 04JUL23 1834Z 04JUL23 2053Z
Local 04JUL23 1434 04JUL23 1653
Fuel 6,809 KGS 2,899 KGS
GW 65.2 t 61.3 t
Heading 007° 257°
Speed TAS 161 kts 131 kts
Winds 015° @ 4 kts 274° @ 6 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX X-Plane
Awarded: The City of Brotherly Love
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