Flight #2456398

Flight summary

Callsign: XAV072
From / To: EGPF Glasgow EGUZ Castle Kennedy Airfield
Airline: XBOX Aviators Virtual
Pilot: XAV072 Danlance
Aircraft: Bell 407 (B407)
Landing rate: -306 ft/min
Flight time: 01:00
Distance: 61 nm
Fuel burnt: Unknown
Max. Altitude: Unknown
Max. Speed: Unknown
Average Speed: Unknown
Tags: None
Remarks: HEMS Injured Walker Surveyed area on arrival near the accident location using drone to locate patient. Thickness of trees in accident location prevented direct aerial lift, therefore landed in nearby clearing and ported patient out from forest after splinting leg and provided additional pain treatment as required. Patient coherent and communicative despite significant pain. Transferred to waiting ambulance on arrival to Glasgow base.
Take-off Landing
Airport EGPF Glasgow EGUZ Castle Kennedy Airfield
Country GB United Kingdom GB United Kingdom
Time 07JUL23 2304Z 08JUL23 0004Z
Local 08JUL23 0004 08JUL23 0104
Fuel 0 KGS 0 KGS
Heading 000° 000°
Speed TAS Unknown Unknown
Winds 000° @ 0 kts 000° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Unknown
Flags: Manual PIREP Screenshots
Earned: 660

Flight path GeoJSON

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