Flight #2567523

Flight summary

From / To: LIAC Aviosuperficie Minotaurus e Medusa LIPP Aviosuperficie Angelo D'Arrigo
Airline: Copains de Vol
Pilot: Mister Pepe
Aircraft: Pipistrel Virus (PIVI)
Landing rate: -122 ft/min 0.92 g
Flight time: 01:27
Distance: 169 nm
Fuel burnt: 18 KGS
ZFW: 503 KGS
Payload: 155 KGS
Max. Altitude: 11,553 ft
Max. Speed: 158 kts
Average Speed: 119 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport LIAC Aviosuperficie Minotaurus e Medusa LIPP Aviosuperficie Angelo D'Arrigo
Country IT Italy IT Italy
Time 13SEP23 2025Z 13SEP23 2152Z
Local 13SEP23 2225 13SEP23 2352
Fuel 35 KGS 17 KGS
GW 538 KGS 520 KGS
Heading 230° 020°
Speed TAS 63 kts 48 kts
Winds 173° @ 4 kts 289° @ 5 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Flags: Airline Achievement Company Route Screenshots
Earned: FzCv 300
Awarded: GIRO11

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