Flight #2569753

Flight summary

From / To: LIBP Pescara LIHO Aviosuperficie Pica
Airline: Copains de Vol
Pilot: Mister Pepe
Aircraft: Pipistrel Virus (PIVI)
Landing rate: -82 ft/min 0.98 g
Flight time: 01:26
Distance: 127 nm
Fuel burnt: 12 KGS
ZFW: 503 KGS
Payload: 155 KGS
Max. Altitude: 9,274 ft
Max. Speed: 147 kts
Average Speed: 117 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport LIBP Pescara LIHO Aviosuperficie Pica
Country IT Italy IT Italy
Time 15SEP23 1545Z 15SEP23 1712Z
Local 15SEP23 1745 15SEP23 1912
Fuel 20 KGS 8 KGS
GW 523 KGS 511 KGS
Heading 215° 188°
Speed TAS 72 kts 42 kts
Winds 040° @ 6 kts 017° @ 2 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Flags: Airline Achievement Company Route Screenshots
Earned: FzCv 350
Awarded: GIRO13

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