Flight #2741867

Flight summary

From / To: LIMZ Levaldigi LFLJ Courchevel
Airline: VA Flyingfriends - Italian Virtual Airline
Pilot: VAF263 Stefano
Aircraft: Pipistrel Panthera (PIPA)
Planned Cruise: FL125
Landing rate: -347 ft/min 0.00 g
Flight time: 00:57
Distance: 117 nm
Fuel burnt: 34 KGS
ZFW: 905 KGS
Max. Altitude: 13,793 ft
Max. Speed: 196 kts
Average Speed: 169 kts
Planned Route: LIMZ SALUZZO WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 VP376 WP7 LFLJ
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport LIMZ Levaldigi LFLJ Courchevel
Country IT Italy FR France
Time 26DEC23 2003Z 26DEC23 2101Z
Local 26DEC23 2103 26DEC23 2201
Fuel 80 KGS 46 KGS
GW 985 KGS 951 KGS
Heading 213° 225°
Speed TAS 62 kts 55 kts
Pitch 15°
Winds 237° @ 2 kts 347° @ 5 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX X-Plane
Flags: Pilot Achievement
Earned: XP 22
Awarded: For the love of Skiing!
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