Flight #3074363

Flight summary

From / To: TTPP Piarco Intl MUCM Ignacio Agramonte Intl
Airline: EAS EAS - Europe and North America
Pilot: John Gould
Aircraft: Boeing 757-200 (B752)
Landing rate: -121 ft/min 1.15 g
Flight time: 02:34
Distance: 1,183 nm
Fuel burnt: 10,283 KGS
ZFW: 64.7 t
Payload: 12.6 t
Max. Altitude: 31,007 ft
Max. Speed: 502 kts
Average Speed: 446 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport TTPP Piarco Intl MUCM Ignacio Agramonte Intl
Country TT Trinidad and Tobago CU Cuba
Time 06JUN24 1409Z 06JUN24 1723Z
Local 06JUN24 1009 06JUN24 1323
Fuel 16,663 KGS 6,380 KGS
GW 81.3 t 71.1 t
Heading 285° 068°
Speed TAS 161 kts 119 kts
Winds 000° @ 0 kts 000° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Earned: XP 110
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