Flight #3233259

Flight summary

From / To: EBLG Liege LRTR Traian Vuia
Airline: EAS EAS - Europe and North America
Pilot: Ian Tyrrell
Aircraft: Boeing 777-200LR/F (B77L)
Landing rate: -534 ft/min 8.68 g
Flight time: 01:51
Distance: 738 nm
Fuel burnt: 10,686 KGS
ZFW: 203.9 t
Payload: 59.5 t
Max. Altitude: 39,214 ft
Max. Speed: 487 kts
Average Speed: 386 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport EBLG Liege LRTR Traian Vuia
Country BE Belgium RO Romania
Time 25AUG24 0653Z 25AUG24 0908Z
Local 25AUG24 0853 25AUG24 1208
Fuel 21,233 KGS 10,547 KGS
GW 225.1 t 214.4 t
Heading 222° 290°
Speed TAS 167 kts 132 kts
Winds 230° @ 10 kts 250° @ 3 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Earned: XP 70
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