Flight #3236208

Flight summary

From / To: EIME Casement AB EIPT Powescourt Airfield
Airline: FireFly Air
Pilot: Shaun Dale
Aircraft: Boeing CH-47 Chinook (H47)
Landing rate: -1 ft/min 1.00 g
Flight time: 00:05
Distance: 12 nm
Fuel burnt: Unknown
Max. Altitude: Unknown
Max. Speed: Unknown
Average Speed: Unknown
Tags: None
Remarks: Can you please allow this to go through I've tried it three times "PC [HELI MEDEVAC] IE Provide Medevac availability at RTC XP117" I have no idea on the first attempt why it never recorded. I forgot to restart LRM for the second attempt and the last attempt, this one I got a landing rate of "-0 fpm" again, it doesn't record. If I can please have the mission assigned and cleared, XP was 117. Thank you (Landing was "GPS - 53.138053356401, -6.3123647852211" But I had to put EIPT in the field to log this PIREP.)
Take-off Landing
Airport EIME Casement AB EIPT Powescourt Airfield
Country IE Ireland IE Ireland
Time 26AUG24 1333Z 26AUG24 1338Z
Local 26AUG24 1433 26AUG24 1438
Fuel 0 KGS 0 KGS
Heading 000° 000°
Speed TAS Unknown Unknown
Winds 000° @ 0 kts 000° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Unknown
Flags: Manual PIREP Screenshots
Earned: XP 1

Flight path GeoJSON

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