Flight #3329367

Flight summary

Callsign: WLF049
From / To: K45 Kuttawa Harbor AL46 Shoals Creek
Airline: WLF WolfAir Aviation
Pilot: NeightWolf49
Aircraft: Quest Kodiak (KODI)
Planned Cruise: FL090
Landing rate: -275 ft/min 1.28 g
Flight time: 00:47
Distance: 141 nm
Fuel burnt: 116 KGS
ZFW: 2,478 KGS
Payload: 686 KGS
Max. Altitude: 8,065 ft
Max. Speed: 198 kts
Average Speed: 173 kts
Planned Route: K45 DCT AL46
Tags: None
Remarks: FSE/WolfAir - VFR Flight - K45 is a seaplane only base (not in sim) with no runway - previous flight landed on a road in town - Taxied to and TO off from divided highway just outside of town w/ several attempts. Trim was not set correctly the first time causing vertical climb, stall & crash. Last attempt was a nice STOL take-off and climb-out. Smooth flight - AL46 is also a seaplane base with no paved runway - Landed in a field near the river - Landing was hard, but ok. Hilly terrain and trees for obstructions all around field.
Take-off Landing
Airport K45 Kuttawa Harbor AL46 Shoals Creek
Country US United States US United States
Time 11OCT24 1708Z 11OCT24 1756Z
Local 11OCT24 1308 11OCT24 1256
Fuel 245 KGS 129 KGS
GW 2,723 KGS 2,607 KGS
Heading 226° 354°
Speed TAS 62 kts 61 kts
Winds 237° @ 3 kts 000° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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