Flight #3445394

Flight summary

From / To: MYGF Grand Bahama Intl MYAM Marsh Harbour
Airline: Coastal International
Pilot: Carlo
Aircraft: Embraer 170/175 (E170)
Landing rate: -138 ft/min 0.00 g
Flight time: 00:19
Distance: 101 nm
Fuel burnt: 180 KGS
ZFW: 21.8 t
Max. Altitude: 17,529 ft
Max. Speed: 408 kts
Average Speed: 288 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport MYGF Grand Bahama Intl MYAM Marsh Harbour
Country BS Bahamas, The BS Bahamas, The
Time 04DEC24 2239Z 04DEC24 2259Z
Local 04DEC24 1739 04DEC24 1759
Fuel 490 KGS 310 KGS
GW 22.3 t 22.1 t
Heading 070° 086°
Speed TAS 98 kts 106 kts
Winds 040° @ 9 kts 046° @ 10 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX X-Plane
Awarded: Caribbean Tour - Leg 01 (MYGF to MYAM)
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