Flight #454133

Flight summary

From / To: EIDW Dublin Intl EGPF Glasgow
Pilot: Mark Ley
Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 (B738)
Landing rate: -777 ft/min
Flight time: 01:17
Distance: 306 nm
Fuel burnt: 2,918 KGS
ZFW: 62.5 t
Max. Altitude: 25,412 ft
Max. Speed: 431 kts
Average Speed: 284 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: whoops, plonked that one down, still learning to land smoothly but at least I got the holding pattern config in the FMC right :)
Take-off Landing
Airport EIDW Dublin Intl EGPF Glasgow
Country IE Ireland GB United Kingdom
Time 27FEB18 1530Z 27FEB18 1648Z
Local 27FEB18 1530 27FEB18 1648
Fuel 4,553 KGS 1,635 KGS
GW 67.1 t 64.1 t
Heading 087° 047°
Speed TAS 155 kts 136 kts
Pitch 11°
Winds 062° @ 22 kts 062° @ 10 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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