Flight #517714

Flight summary

From / To: EBAW Deurne EGWC Cosford AB
Airline: EAS EAS - Europe and North America
Pilot: Jason Whitley
Aircraft: Learjet 45 (LJ45)
Landing rate: -770 ft/min
Flight time: 00:51
Distance: 276 nm
Fuel burnt: 427 KGS
ZFW: 5.8 t
Max. Altitude: 24,995 ft
Max. Speed: 437 kts
Average Speed: 310 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport EBAW Deurne EGWC Cosford AB
Country BE Belgium GB United Kingdom
Time 24APR18 1855Z 24APR18 1946Z
Local 24APR18 2055 24APR18 2046
Fuel 886 KGS 459 KGS
GW 6.7 t 6.2 t
Heading 109° 235°
Speed TAS 178 kts 101 kts
Winds 117° @ 10 kts 178° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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