Flight #612199

Flight summary

From / To: YMML Melbourne Intl YMLT Launceston
Airline: MIL Milliways
Pilot: Steven
Aircraft: Eclipse 500 (EA50)
Landing rate: -43 ft/min
Flight time: 01:13
Distance: 306 nm
Fuel burnt: 258 KGS
ZFW: 1,968 KGS
Max. Altitude: 31,004 ft
Max. Speed: 297 kts
Average Speed: 224 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: Total cloud cover to 3,500 feet at YMLT, was forecast at 5,500. Severe turbulence all the way to the ground. Floated a long way down the runway due to fighting the heavy cross wind. Damn awesome flight! It gave me the same feeling as a few occasions when learning to fly a two seater. Like "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"
Take-off Landing
Airport YMML Melbourne Intl YMLT Launceston
Country AU Australia AU Australia
Time 18JUL18 0944Z 18JUL18 1059Z
Local 18JUL18 1944 18JUL18 2059
Fuel 580 KGS 322 KGS
GW 2,548 KGS 2,290 KGS
Heading 352° 334°
Speed TAS 102 kts 79 kts
Winds 012° @ 14 kts 322° @ 29 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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