Flight #780335

Flight summary

From / To: Unknown LPFR Faro
Pilot: Oscar Acton
Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 (B738)
Landing rate: -137 ft/min
Flight time: 00:48
Distance: 292 nm
Fuel burnt: Unknown
Max. Altitude: 38,348 ft
Max. Speed: 459 kts
Average Speed: 336 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: Flight from Gran Canaria to Faro. The LRM software was only started towards the end of the flight, but it lasted longer than reported.
Take-off Landing
Airport Unknown LPFR Faro
Country Unknown PT Portugal
Time Unknown 05JAN19 1848Z
Local Unknown 05JAN19 1848
Fuel Unknown 4,090 KGS
Heading Unknown 099°
Speed TAS Unknown 113 kts
Pitch Unknown
Bank Unknown
Winds Unknown 037° @ 6 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
There are no screenshots for this flight!

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