Flight #780471

Flight summary

From / To: EGBG Leicester EGHI Southampton Intl
Pilot: Oscar Acton
Aircraft: Beechcraft 58 Baron (BE58)
Landing rate: -175 ft/min
Flight time: 00:36
Distance: 102 nm
Fuel burnt: 48 KGS
ZFW: 2,172 KGS
Max. Altitude: 4,094 ft
Max. Speed: 200 kts
Average Speed: 170 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: IFR flight from Leicester to Southampton. Due to the event in London on VATSIM, I initially climbed to 4000 ft but I descended to 3000 ft to avoid being too close to the London class A Airspace. I planned an ILS approach at Southampton, but I decided to do a straight-in visual approach for runway 20. This was an FSEconomy cargo flight and I earned just over $2000 for the flight.
Take-off Landing
Airport EGBG Leicester EGHI Southampton Intl
Country GB United Kingdom GB United Kingdom
Time 05JAN19 2035Z 05JAN19 2112Z
Local 05JAN19 2035 05JAN19 2112
Fuel 274 KGS 226 KGS
GW 2,446 KGS 2,398 KGS
Heading 276° 199°
Speed TAS 88 kts 87 kts
Winds 360° @ 0 kts 360° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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