Flight #788210

Flight summary

From / To: EGKK Gatwick ENTC Tromso
Pilot: Chris TINNEY
Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 (B738)
Landing rate: -195 ft/min
Flight time: 03:15
Distance: 1,279 nm
Fuel burnt: 8,318 KGS
ZFW: 59.4 t
Max. Altitude: 35,095 ft
Max. Speed: 455 kts
Average Speed: 406 kts
Tags: GA LL
Remarks: Balked landing due to it being long on short and contaminated RWY. Correct landing rate was 165FPM
Take-off Landing
Airport EGKK Gatwick ENTC Tromso
Country GB United Kingdom NO Norway
Time 12JAN19 1522Z 12JAN19 1838Z
Local 12JAN19 1522 12JAN19 1938
Fuel 14,945 KGS 6,627 KGS
GW 74.4 t 66.0 t
Heading 260° 011°
Speed TAS 167 kts 146 kts
Winds 290° @ 13 kts 258° @ 8 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Prepar3D
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