Flight #863127

Flight summary

From / To: KBUR Bob Hope KSDF Louisville Intl-Standiford
Airline: EFA Erickson Family Airlines
Pilot: David Erickson
Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 (B738)
Landing rate: -1964 ft/min
Flight time: 03:55
Distance: 1,639 nm
Fuel burnt: 14,152 KGS
ZFW: 49.2 t
Max. Altitude: 38,285 ft
Max. Speed: 473 kts
Average Speed: 384 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: Ran out of fuel at like 1 mile and crashed short of the runway.. didn't realize it until i lost control and stalled.. no stall horn at all in FSX in the 737 or Cessna 172 from what i can tell.
Take-off Landing
Airport KBUR Bob Hope KSDF Louisville Intl-Standiford
Country US United States US United States
Time 22MAR19 1003Z 22MAR19 1359Z
Local 22MAR19 0303 22MAR19 0959
Fuel 14,152 KGS 0 KGS
GW 63.4 t 49.2 t
Heading 090° 169°
Speed TAS 171 kts 87 kts
Winds 1812° @ 0 kts 4926° @ 9 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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