Flight #962056

Flight summary

From / To: MYEF Exuma Intl MYLS Stella Maris
Airline: BIG Big Foot Deliveries
Pilot: LuisFerreira
Aircraft: Robin DR-400/401 (DR40)
Landing rate: -65 ft/min
Flight time: 00:24
Distance: 48 nm
Fuel burnt: 8 KGS
ZFW: 674 KGS
Max. Altitude: 4,419 ft
Max. Speed: 145 kts
Average Speed: 123 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport MYEF Exuma Intl MYLS Stella Maris
Country BS Bahamas, The BS Bahamas, The
Time 10JUN19 1425Z 10JUN19 1450Z
Local 10JUN19 1025 10JUN19 1050
Fuel 57 KGS 49 KGS
GW 731 KGS 723 KGS
Heading 299° 308°
Speed TAS 66 kts 56 kts
Winds 223° @ 8 kts 108° @ 10 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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