Flight #3264442

Flight summary

From / To: KCID The Eastern Iowa Airport KGGI Grinnell Regl
Airline: Fliggity Air
Pilot: ExcessivelySalty
Aircraft: Cirrus SR22 Turbo (S22T)
Landing rate: -115 ft/min 0.95 g
Flight time: 00:25
Distance: 53 nm
Fuel burnt: 23 KGS
ZFW: 1,425 KGS
Payload: 360 KGS
Max. Altitude: 5,013 ft
Max. Speed: 189 kts
Average Speed: 157 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport KCID The Eastern Iowa Airport KGGI Grinnell Regl
Country US United States US United States
Time 08SEP24 2100Z 08SEP24 2126Z
Local 08SEP24 1600 08SEP24 1626
Fuel 88 KGS 65 KGS
GW 1,513 KGS 1,490 KGS
Heading 266° 311°
Speed TAS 78 kts 75 kts
Winds 246° @ 11 kts 190° @ 9 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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