Flight #3329475

Flight summary

Callsign: WLF049
From / To: AL46 Shoals Creek M93 Houston Co
Airline: WLF WolfAir Aviation
Pilot: NeightWolf49
Aircraft: Quest Kodiak (KODI)
Planned Cruise: FL080
Landing rate: -123 ft/min 1.07 g
Flight time: 00:32
Distance: 93 nm
Fuel burnt: 82 KGS
ZFW: 1,947 KGS
Payload: 155 KGS
Max. Altitude: 6,018 ft
Max. Speed: 194 kts
Average Speed: 173 kts
Planned Route: AL46 DCT M93
Tags: None
Remarks: FSE/WolfAir - VFR Flight - AL46 is a seaplane only base with no runway - previous flight landed on a field near the river road - TO from same field but 1st attempt stalled and crashed (unknown reason). I thought throttle, flaps and airspeed seemed acceptable. 2nd attempt went much better and was a nice STOL TO from the field - Visual approach into RW08 into M93 which was the best landing of all of them today.
Take-off Landing
Airport AL46 Shoals Creek M93 Houston Co
Country US United States US United States
Time 11OCT24 1812Z 11OCT24 1845Z
Local 11OCT24 1312 11OCT24 1345
Fuel 233 KGS 151 KGS
GW 2,180 KGS 2,098 KGS
Heading 216° 082°
Speed TAS 76 kts 60 kts
Winds 270° @ 1 kts 180° @ 1 kts
Simulator: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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