Flight #744222

Flight summary

From / To: MB02 Parrot Cay MBGT Jags Mccartney Intl
Pilot: Vladyi
Aircraft: Bell 412 1.7 FD-01
Landing rate: -163 ft/min
Flight time: 00:07
Distance: 60 nm
Fuel burnt: 151 KGS
ZFW: 4.5 t
Max. Altitude: 2,373 ft
Max. Speed: 120 kts
Average Speed: 96 kts
Tags: None
Remarks: None
Take-off Landing
Airport MB02 Parrot Cay MBGT Jags Mccartney Intl
Country TC Turks and Caicos Islands TC Turks And Caicos Islands
Time 02DEC18 1852Z 02DEC18 1901Z
Local 02DEC18 1352 02DEC18 1401
Fuel 267 KGS 116 KGS
GW 4.8 t 4.7 t
Heading 355° 260°
Speed TAS 2 kts 4 kts
Pitch 10°
Winds 010° @ 0 kts 011° @ 0 kts
Simulator: Microsoft FSX Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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