The Witcher is a Polish-American fantasy drama television series created for the streaming service Netflix, based on the book series of the same name by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. Set on a fictional, medieval-inspired landmass known as "the Continent", The Witcher explores the legend of Geralt of Rivia and Princess Ciri, who are linked to each other by destiny
Just another day at the Operations Room at Firefly Air. The sounds of dodgy keyboard playing (out of tune) from a distant office, a water cooler bubbling in the corner and the occasional yawn is heard from some workers in the office. Then all of a sudden, the phone rings...
"Firefly Air good afternoon, my name is Kaharia, how may we help you?"
An abrupt and authoritative voice is heard on the other end of line: "Finally, about time, listen, I need you to organise a thing."
"A thing?"
"A thing!!!"
The caller explains that he wants to send his daughter and some friends who are currently living in England to tour the sets and locations used for the tv series on Netflix, the Witcher.
These locations are based in Poland, Austria, Hungary and Spain. There is also a requirement to collect some passengers and "equipment" from Germany.
Firefly Air will have to deploy many aircraft types to complete this mission including Airliners and General Aviation.
Kaharia is advised by the caller that "money is not an issue, I just want the best possible service. I should mention, my daughter has a fear of flying so make sure the flights are safe, smooth and the softest landings possible"
We are booked by a VIP for a roundtrip for his daughter. We have to fly them out with start in London via Airliner to the countries of the shooting locations, and even includes a flight over some of the sets and sceneries.
There are 11 stages to this mission. We will start the first one on Friday July 29th 2022.
In order to obtain this multi-achievement you must complete each of the following achievements.
Date | Departure | Arrival | Pilot | Aircraft | Landing rate | Distance | Flight time | ||
21JUN23 2110Z | LHBP | LFMP | 3AW | ATR ATR-42-600 (AT46) | -205 ft/m | 765 nm | 03:00 | View | |
17APR23 1751Z | GCLA | EGKK | Quasar Core | Boeing 737-800 (B738) | -202 ft/m | 1819 nm | 04:15 | View | |
09APR23 1732Z | GCLA | GCLA | Cyulator | Socata TBM-9X0 (TBM9) | -193 ft/m | 71 nm | 00:20 | View | |
21MAR23 1357Z | GCLA | EGKK | Restoring 226 | Honda HA-420 HondaJet (HDJT) | -78 ft/m | 1586 nm | 04:00 | View | |
10MAR23 1715Z | GCLA | EGKK | Devildude1 | Boeing 747-8 (B748) | -193 ft/m | 1759 nm | 03:41 | View | |
19FEB23 0829Z | GCLA | EGKK | Pappa_Razzi | Boeing 737-800 (B738) | -274 ft/m | 1624 nm | 03:54 | View | |
19FEB23 0025Z | GCLA | EGKK | musefan | Boeing 737-800 (B738) | -245 ft/m | 1627 nm | 03:03 | View | |
15FEB23 2131Z | GCLA | GCLA | 6 Knots (Ciaran) | Socata TBM-9X0 (TBM9) | -31 ft/m | 68 nm | 00:17 | View | |
10FEB23 1357Z | GCLA | EGKK | Ironbird | Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner (B788) | -134 ft/m | 1644 nm | 04:38 | View | |
03FEB23 1818Z | GCLA | EGKK | DadInCommand | Aveko VL-3 (VL3) | -75 ft/m | 1568 nm | 04:00 | View | |
02FEB23 1924Z | GCLA | EGKK | Viperstrike95 | Boeing 737-700 (B737) | -320 ft/m | 1626 nm | 03:53 | View |