Jacksons, Papua New Guinea

Airport Information

Name: Jacksons (POM)
City: Port Moresby
Country: PG Papua New Guinea
Type: Large airport
Altitude: 126 ft
Transition Altitude: 20,000 ft
Local time: 22:47 25JAN25


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Hubs for airlines


From Pilot At
YBBN Anonymous 13DEC24 0100Z
AYGA Profeta74 12DEC24 2154Z
YBCS SoulDav 12DEC24 1809Z
YPDN NG-94 12DEC24 1727Z
WPDL F_G_97 09DEC24 2126Z
AYPY Toto249 09DEC24 2016Z
WPDL PVZ 08DEC24 2321Z
YBCS Anonymous 08DEC24 1859Z
PTRO F_G_97 08DEC24 1754Z
HECA Baconsmuggler 08DEC24 0934Z


To Pilot At
NGTA Vasco Oliveira 15DEC24 2109Z
NFFN Anonymous 14DEC24 0141Z
BNT Profeta74 13DEC24 2354Z
WAJJ NG-94 12DEC24 1946Z
WPDL NG-94 11DEC24 2134Z
AYBK F_G_97 10DEC24 1934Z

Pilots currently here

Aki Chiaki

Nearby Aerodromes

ICAO Name Location Distance
AYMA Manari Airport Kokoda 52 km
HEO Haelogo Airport Kokoda 54 km
UUU Manumu Airport Kokoda 56 km
EFG Efogi Airport Kokoda 58 km
AYEI Milei Airstrip Kokoda 58 km
KGW Kagi Airport Kokoda 60 km
NDN Nadunumu Airport Kokoda 61 km
DOO Dorobisoro Airport Kwikila 77 km
AYLK Kokoda Airport Kokoda 84 km
ONB Ononge Airport Kokoda 85 km
RAX Oram Airport Kwikila 93 km
AYEO Emo River Airstrip Kokoda 97 km
TDB Tetebedi Airport Popondetta 98 km
WTP Woitape Woitape 99 km
FNE Fane Airport Kokoda 100 km
AYKO Asimba Airstrip Kokoda 102 km
KKU Kairuku Kairuku 103 km
AYJO Yongai Airport Kokoda 105 km
APP Asapa Airport Popondetta 110 km
KSP Kosipe Airport Kokoda 110 km


Runway # Length FT Heading Type ILS Frequency ILS Course ILS ID Glideslope Angle
14L 9,053 142° Asphalt 110.100 142 IWG
14R 6,799 142° Dirt N/A N/A N/A N/A
32L 6,799 322° Dirt N/A N/A N/A N/A
32R 9,053 322° Asphalt 109.500 322 IBB


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METAR Report


TAF Report


Runway suggestions

Flying without ATC? We've ordered the runways at this airport below taking into account the strongest head wind only; therefore you should also cross-reference these suggestions with any special landing or take-off requirements such as runway length, ILS, airport advisories and wind sheer warnings.



ATIS: 128.000
Ground Services: 121.700
Tower: 118.100
Approach: 125.800
Departure: 125.800


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